This is the page where gdhamsa shares your experiences, your gd’s, thus making them known to the world.
We also encourage the submission of your ideas/experiences. They can be anything about what you do for self-improvement, eating healthily, exercising, reducing stress, helping others or any narrative about good things.
GDHamsa also welcomes your thoughts and comments.
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Thank you.
Man helps complete stranger
Recently reported. A stranger stops on desert road to help an older gentleman with his flat tire.
Israeli woman donates kidney to Gaza boy
This is by far a high level gd (good deed). Idit Harel Segal, a 50-year-old married Israeli mother of three, for humanitarian reasons, underwent the
Sell your hamsa product on gdhamsa
If you are an artist, manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler of any hamsa products, we’d love to hear from you. GDHamsa is launching a selling page
Helping a young boy
Citizens come forth in numbers, nearly 5,000 to see if they can help young boy stricken with cancer. Yup, they lined up to see if
Clean up time
“I noticed all around the city last week groups of people out with rubber gloves, garbage bags and other stuff. They were cleaning up litter
Man with dog does good deed
Out for a walk with pooch, man finds wallet and returns to college student. He refused reward. It just so happened that he was wearing
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